Christmas Eve Eve

Hello friends! Thank you all for your well wishes for Bernie. He’s spending the holiday with his parents in MA and is already feeling better after 24 hours on the antibiotics. He says he still can’t breathe without coughing, but his energy level is starting to go up!

Speaking of energy level, I woke up this morning just wanting to do this all day.

It was cloudy, misty, and cold in NY this morning. We’ve been spoiled this Fall/Winter in Boston so far. It’s been an average of like 50 degrees or so ever since October. It hasn’t snowed since the freak snow on Halloween (which quickly melted) and rain has been at a minimum. As my spin instructor said “It’s the year to train, that’s for sure.” This weather was so not what I was used to.

Since marathon training officially begins on Monday, I have been taking it a little easy this week in terms of exercise. Monday I did light cardio and weights at the gym and took Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday off. I packed two running outfits for my stay, hoping to go running twice while I was home. I was feeling very blah about it this morning when I saw the weather. So I waited. I ate some breakfast, watched the Today show, Dr. Oz, and enjoyed my coffee. Then 11:00 rolled around. With my motivation decreasing with each minute, I texted Bernie, hoping to get some motivation. He then said, “Just do it! Do it for me because I can’t.” Anything for you!

So I put on my gear and headed out the door. I didn’t bring any sort of electronic distance equipment so I’m not exactly sure how far I ran, but I would say from running the same route before it was probably about 4.5 miles. Not bad. I felt good, except for the first mile. My lungs felt like they were burning. Damn you cold, damp air!

After I got home I was greeted with my parents’ puppies, Chloe and Kerry!

Yes, Chloe does only have one eye. She lost it when she was just a puppy. Her and my cat got into a little tiff when Chloe got a little too close to Shadow. Since her eye was too damaged by the rogue claw, she had to have it removed. She’s had only one eye almost her entire life. Now she’s gone blind in the other with old age, but she still gets around like a champ

We’ve had so many animals over the course of my lifetime. We used to have three dogs, with the addition of Danny, our black and white Cocker (that’s him on the right — such a handsome fellow). We got him when I was a sophomore in college. The plan was originally that my sister and I would train him over the summer, and then when I moved into my first off campus apartment, he would come with me. We quickly learned that having three dogs was a challenge, and he ended up not working out with the other two. We put him up for adoption and he was quickly snatched up. He was a great dog, he just needed to be in a household where he was the only dog. We’ve also had a rabbit, guinea pigs, hamsters, a horse, two other cats in addition to Shadow, and various fish. Quite the menagerie.

After my run, I was famished, so I went to the local grocery store to pick up some salad mix. I was suprised that the local supermarket was carrying the same organic salad mix that I buy at Whole Foods. Go Price Chopper. I quickly regretted my decision to go out, because the shopping mall area that the grocery store is in was PACKED! HOLY COW! I just wanted some salad greens!!!




Now I’m relaxing — finally! Tonight I’m getting together with some old friends from high school that I haven’t seen in a while. I can’t wait. I already got to see my friends Rory and Brad last night! We chatted at Rory’s house sitting by a lovely fire. It honestly doesn’t get any better than that!